
Emergency Response

Emergency Preparedness is a critical component of Public Health as hazards and pandemics of various kinds can surface without warning, regardless of geography or nationality. The Emergency Preparedness program coordinates planning and program development through local, state and federal offices to protect the health and safety of the citizens and visitors in the Three Rivers Public Health Department (3RPHD) service area (Dodge, Saunders and Washington County).

3RPHD is constantly training and preparing our community for any threat by employing a full time Emergency Response Coordinator. The Emergency Response Coordinator works with many community groups such as police, fire and rescue, emergency managers, elected officials, and schools to protect the health of our citizens. These groups work together to prepare and carry out disaster plans which they test through simulated drills.

Some of the strategies and threats addressed in planning are:

  • Early detection of disease
  • Public risk communication with local, state & federal partners
  • Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA)
  • Environmental safety
  • Quarantine and isolation policies & procedures
  • Mass vaccination/dispensing of medical countermeasures
  • Severe weather events
  • Anthrax
  • Pandemic Influenza
  • Bioterrorism
  • Radiological event at the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant
  • Smallpox
  • Chemical
  • Plague
  • Foodborne Hepatitis A

3RPHD receives funding from multiple sources that allows us to not only plan and prepare for hazards but also provides the resources for mass dispensing efforts. Dispensing plans outline what is entailed to distribute prophylaxis and/or administer vaccines to our entire community within a 48-hour window through Public Points of Dispensing, or PODs.

Be a Part of Three Rivers Medical Reserve Corps

Major emergencies can overwhelm the capabilities of first responders, particularly during the first 12 to 72 hours. To help alleviate the pressure for first responders Three Rivers Public Health has established our own Medical Reserve Corps (MRC).  MRC unit is designed to provide an important "surge" capacity during this critical period. Communities often need volunteers to fill in the gaps in their emergency response plans and to improve their response capabilities overall.

3RPHD has implemented a Medical Reserve Corps which is made up of volunteers to help with response and recovery roles. These roles can occur during, as well as following a major public health emergency. Based on the information collected from each volunteer and a basic background check (to verify credentials, etc.), public health officials will be able to identify those individuals willing to fill the specific volunteer roles needed in an emergency. Any personal contact information will remain confidential.

Currently, 3RPHD is looking for volunteers to be apart of and help with:

  • Security to assist with safeguarding POD sites during operational periods.
  • Greeting and Screening volunteers to support POD operations. These positions are critical to maintaining organization in a POD and ensuring operations run quickly and smoothly.
  • Individuals credentialed to administer vaccinations
  • When activated responding to natural disasters or other large scale incidents to assist with emergency relief activities.
  • Emergency preparedness and response trainings and exercises
  • Emergency Shelter operations and medical care
  • Patient movement support
  • Search and rescue operations
  • And so much more!

During an emergency event, a public health official will generate a list of volunteers who may be contacted based on the information they provided. Those contacted will be given information on where to report and the option to accept or decline the opportunity. Registration does not obligate you to respond however, by registering you may be contacted periodically to update your contact information and availability.

Please click on the link to access the Emergency Response Volunteer Form. Forms can be returned by mail to the address listed on the form or via email: [email protected] 


Our Mission


Three Rivers Public Health Department's Mission is to empower and educate families while promoting healthy living for the improvement of our communities.

Our Vision


Three Rivers Public Health Department's Vision is that in cooperation with our communities, we will always be compassionate and respectful in all of our public health endeavors.

Three Rivers Public Health Department

Serving Dodge, Saunders & Washington Counties in Eastern Nebraska

2400 North Lincoln Avenue, Fremont, NE 68025   •   402-727-5396   •   1-866-727-5396   •   [email protected]

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